The Chazy Lake Watershed Initiative (CLWI) seeks to serve as a coordinating and information-sharing organization to help establish strategic direction and priorities as well as to recommend and promote key projects and actions needed to protect and preserve Chazy Lake and its watershed for future generations.
Our Vision CLWI seeks to:
Build and implement a vision based on collaboration and mutually beneficial outcomes.
Find solutions to issues that threaten the health & wellbeing of Chazy Lake and its watershed (water quality, plant/animal species).
Build recognition among stakeholders about the importance of the watershed and the need for integrated management.
Harness the best science in service of a shared vision and a more integrated management of the watershed.
Develop and report on measures that indicate progress toward achieving the sustainable management and system-wide health of Chazy Lake and its watershed.
Elevate projects that demonstrate effective collaboration and integrated strategies that help achieve objectives.
Network with other Adirondack lakes, establishing the Chazy Lake Watershed as a hub for sharing knowledge and best practices related to the effective management of lakes, rivers and their watersheds.